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Monday, April 26, 2010

How to find Palkia in Pokemon Pearl

To find Palkia in Pokemon Pearl you must go to the spira pillar just like on Pokemon Diamond and Platinum versions.

Once you are at the spira pillar you must first battle against the two Team Galassia guns. Berry, your rival, will help you beat them. After that you must battle against the head of the Team Galassia. Berry will revive your pokemon's energy.
The head of Team Galassia has lots of high level pokemon like crobat, wavelive etc. Well I have to say the he is pretty hard to beat, but after you have beaten him, Team Galassia will dissapear. Professor Roman will come up and tell you that you must capture the legendery Pokemon Palkia.
So you just go up to Palkia and click on it; then you will go into battle with it.
To catch it I recomend NOT to use you master ball because it is so easy to catch that you probably don't even have to get it down to the red zone. So I recommend you use an ultra ball, or if you are really up for the challange you could try catching it with a simple pokeball!
Or you could wait till it is night time so you can catch it with a dusk ball.
Well, that is all for this post. Bye!

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